
Restructuring / Consolidation as Ongoing Challenge

In the past, it was especially the shifting of new investments to locations outside of Germany which led to a dissatisfying degree of utilisation of chemical locations. Many owners reacted to the challenges through the establishment of chemical and industrial parks and their own legal independency. This was only a first step towards a new orientation.


In the meantime, the whole German industrial park landscape is in a phase of restructuring and consolidation. Restructuring is seen as the adapting of already existing capacities/resources to the actual requirement and consolidation is seen as the formation of larger entities based on existing structures. In general, the appropriate restructuring measures have to have taken place before consolidation and can take place in various different areas.


  • Improvement of collaborations with clients through consequent client orientation.
  • Further increasing focus on core activities and the sale of non-core areas.
  • Increase in efficiency through further improvement of organisational structures and business processes.
  • Realisation of cost saving potentials with the purchase of raw materials, energy/utilities and services through regional networks.


An interesting trend is a nationwide partial consolidation in certain services sectors. Partial consolidation takes place in individual services sectors or infrastructure sectors and does not reduce the number of independent industrial parks.


This partial consolidation is seen especially in those services sectors, such as maintenance, which are not tied down to a special location. One example is the sale of the technical services of the industrial parks Höchst and Griesheim to the Munich-based industrial service provider Rheinhold & Mahla in 2005.


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